Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee, Tuesday 29th January 2019 10.00 am (Item 8.)


Following a letter from the Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) to the Committee’s Chairman, in relation to the planning of local medicines supplies, this item is for Committee Members to receive an overview from the LPC and to seek reassurance that robust plans are in place for local pharmacists over the coming months.



Pankaj Shah, Chairman, Local Pharmaceutical Committee

Ronak Patel, Vice-Chairman, Local Pharmaceutical Committee



Copy letter sent from PSNC (Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee) to the Government Health Select Committee

Medicines factsheet – information on medicines supply for patients

Key actions for pharmacy contractors


Intended outcome:

For Members to be reassured that the contingency plans surrounding local medicine supplies are robust and minimise any adverse effects on residents over the coming months.



The Chairman welcomed Mr P Shah, Chairman of the Local Pharmaceutical Committee and Mr R Patel, Vice-Chairman of the Local Pharmaceutical Committee.  The Chairman also introduced Mr M Dias, Policy Officer, Bucks County Council.


During discussion, the following main points were made:


·         Planning was underway for a smooth transition of medicine supplies to ensure minimal impact on patient healthcare.

·         Pharmacists had always dealt with shortages very well and this was an ongoing scenario in community pharmacy.

·         Community Pharmacists would always make the right clinical decision for the patient and would consult with the GP if all sources of any particular medicines had run out.

·         Government had advised pharmacists not to stockpile medicines in light of Brexit and the Local Pharmaceutical Committee were working with community pharmacists to manage the process.

·         The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee were working with the Department of Health on issues and working groups had been set-up to develop a number of protocols, for example, a Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP).

·         Networking between community pharmacists had improved.

·         Locally, the Bucks LPC was working with all relevant health providers to ensure minimal impact.  One person co-ordinating any shortages.

·         Mr Shah confirmed that there were 97 pharmacists, including those providing online services.  Pharmaceutical Needs Analysis looked at the concentration of pharmacists and at present, the number in Buckinghamshire was satisfactory and all were running efficiently.

·         A response had not yet been received from the letter sent by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee to the Government Health and Social Care Select Committee.  The letter requested measures to be put in place to ensure that community pharmacists had quicker and clearer reimbursement and stock availability information.

·         As well as pharmacists holding 4-6 weeks of stock, wholesalers were also holding the same amount of stock to ensure a good 12 week supply.

·         Mr Shah acknowledged that there had been problems with the supplier of the flu vaccine last year and a miscommunication also led to problems but lessons had been learnt.  A flu Committee had been set-up locally to ensure the same issues did not happen this year.

·         In response to a question about the morale of community pharmacists, Mr Shah explained that the role of the community pharmacist had changed and become more service orientated rather than just a dispensing role.

·         Mr Shah reassured the Committee that key partners were constantly communicating with each other and planning both locally and nationally in relation to shortages.

·         In response to a question about online repeat prescriptions and some patients being unable to do this, Mr Shah explained that there were exceptions if patients are unable to do this, then the pharmacist would help.

·         Healthwatch Bucks had undertaken a piece of work around pharmacists which looked at key trends.  The report could be viewed on Healthwatch Bucks website –

·         Community pharmacists work collaboratively and share supplies and this would continue over the coming months.

·         A Member suggested sending a press release to the media to reassure people about medicine supplies.


The Chairman thanked the presenters.

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